Eye Makeup Remover
Instant Long-Wear Makeup Remover
432 reviews
Product from
Bobbi Brown
Reviews (32)
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32 reviews
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Jan 22

Bought this on sale. Guess you get what you pay for but this is the worst eye makeup remover I've ever used. Simply awful. Does not remove anything without rubbing. I'm heading back to Lancome.

Dec 9

I try to minimize my use of makeup remover because to my mind, my cleanser routine ought to clean my face thoroughly - including of makeup. And usually, my makeup is minimal enough that this works. If...

Dec 8

I'm actually pleasantly surprised by how much I like this remover, as I've been underwhelmed by other bi-phase removers I've tried. It did a thorough job removing my eye makeup, without stinging my ey...

Jul 17

The PP CanadaGirlToo basically wrote my exact review. Lol! I use her same technique, same cotton squares even. I just wanted to add that my very sensitive eyes were not at all irritated by is remov...

Feb 10

I got a deluxe sample of this from Nordstrom and tried it out to remove my eye makeup when my eyes were itchy, sore and irritated and I knew my other eye make up remover (simple) would sting and burn ...

Jul 20

This is a 2-phase eye makeup remover, so the bottle must be shaken before putting the product onto a cotton pad. It is very similar to products offered by Neutrogena, Lance and especially Clinique's ...

Jun 29

I got a generous sample bottle of this from bobbi brown's website. I find it a little bit odd that it is called makeup remover but it is actually EYE makeup remover. Anyway, this has to be shaken be...

Mar 19

I hate this product. Sorry, but I do. It leaves my skin and the area around my eyes soo oily. And it does not do a perfect job in removing eye makeup, either. EDIT - I´ve started wearing long-wear ...

Apr 5

I got a sample of this from Sephora and it's been a long-time repeat buy since then. The consistancy is like water, so you have to apply it real fast before it runs off of your hands. It's as gentle...

May 15

I didn't think this was a good makeup remover at all, especially considering the price. I normally stick to the drugstore when it comes to makeup remover. I got a deluxe sample of this from bobbibro...