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Phytospecific Relaxer Index 1
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Reviews (19)
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19 reviews
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Jan 7

I am surprised that I liked this and it worked! I am caucasian with dark blonde wavy frizzy past bra-strap-length hair. I'm forever frustrated by the frizz, as well as cowlicks along my hairline whi...

Mar 14

My hair has seen so many straighteners and relaxers it is crazy. I have tried the Keratin and Japanese straighteners. I love the Japanese, but my hair started to feel the damage and it got too expensi...

Sep 29

I love this relaxer! I have been getting my hair relaxed since I was a teenager and have had MANY bad experiences! Too many burns and hair breakage....this product has completely revitalized my hair. ...

Nov 4

Hi All, this is a warning about this product if you are unfamiliar with relaxers! I am a Euro-American (white, whatever) and I wanted to permanently straighten my hair. I followed the instructions ...

Sep 6

My hair stylist talked me into trying the Phyto relaxer. She claimed that it was more "natural" and that it would make my hair healthier. Well, after a few months with Phyto, I switched stylists and s...

Dec 26

I have been on this site for years and NEVER felt the need to review anything but I have to this time! I have struggled with lots of thin delicate very curly hair for years! Phyto 1 does exactly as pr...

Dec 26

This is my Holy Grail relaxer. I've tried lye and no-lye and I will forever stick with Phyto. I used #2 for a few years, but just recently learned that #1 actually does much better in my hair. It's...

Nov 4

This relaxer has given me my life back. Let me explain: over two years ago I stopped relaxing my hair because it had become damaged and thin. I was using a cheapie relaxer and not conditioning my hair...

Jul 29

This Relaxer is the TRUTH!!! I have used a few different kinds of pro relaxers as well as one other store bought... but I alwayz come back to this one (doue to the price tag, being cheap and curious ...

Jan 19

I'm caucasian and bought phytospecific index 1 relaxer.... I left it in for OVER the max amount of time even after reading the instructions a few times. NOTHING HAPPENED! It just made my hair smell ...