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Face Mask
Refiner Tone Up Cream Clay
3.97 reviews
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Reviews (7)
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7 reviews
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Feb 28

This is very different to my usual type of exfoliating products. It cleanses very well,but it leaves an oily residue on my face that I can't remove without washing my face with my normal cleanser, and...

Jul 3

I've been using the Cream Clay Mask for 5+ years. I started using it back when the instructions told you to leave it on for 10-15 minutes, wet your hands, then exfoliate. The instructions now tell you...

Aug 28

best deep clean mask in the market...can remove whiteheads and blakcheads..have brightening effect immediately ,non drying as typical deep clean mask.can be use as a scrub or deep clean mask..although...

Nov 28

This is so good. Leaves my skin clean and soft. No "tightness" afterwards.

Mar 9

The mask did nothing for my skin... I dun see any cleansing effect and didn't exfoliate as much as my usual scrub..

Jul 22

this mask cleans well without drying your face or makes you feel tight or tout. it is mild enough for my sensitive skin and it makes me feel my face brighter and smoother after the first application. ...

Mar 24

Very good toning mask as it can clear dirts in pores and has a double effect by the scrubbing pellets. Leave it on 20 minutes and scrub as you rinse. The skin is so smooth afterwards. But my skin a bi...