nude beige
3.45 reviews
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5 reviews
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Aug 1

Nude beige is a beautiful lipstick. I have rosy lips and this color tones them down into a lovely pink beige. I've tried so many nude lipsticks and this color is rare and hard to come by. It has a pig...

Jul 18

I thought this would be a useful 'nude' look when worn with a smoky eye. I used to wear a Revlon nude lipstick that worked well for this purpose. Sadly, I think my needs have changed as I've aged be...

Jul 14

I love the formula of this lipstick. It is similar to the MAC cremesheen formula but slightly drier/less sheen. This can be layered to be opaque and has no bad taste/odor like some brands. Also, the p...

May 21

I love this lipstick, i have to agree that it is a very light pale lipstick, but on those with red pigmented lips like myself it shows up as a beautiful light pink. The texture is AMAZING! It is light...

Mar 29

This nude is VERY pale, and would not work for a lot of skin tones. It does seem very moisturizing, but for an overall look not very flattering although the nude beige gloss is divine! Since most of...