Men's Fragrance
Obsession For Men
3.924 reviews
Product from
Calvin Klein
Reviews (24)
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24 reviews
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Jul 15

Original formulation: a multifaceted interesting fragrance that smells great on a man. It had depth and was masculine and sexy. The new formulation is a shell of it's former self, which unfortunately ...

May 23

I worship the original CK Obsession for women that was released in the early 80s. I've no interest in the current version of that fragrance because I've found it to be wimpy and not comparable to the ...

Oct 23

This is a very warm, cozy scent with carnal undertones. I discovered it only a few years back, my mom had been buying it in bulk, wearing it on herself and gifting it to relatives because she loves it...

Jun 16

First thing: I'm a chick. :) I bought this for myself because I wanted something warm and cozy and spicy and sexy and had heard this was gonna do it for me, so I picked it up for VERY cheap (less than...

Oct 31

LOVE this scent! Best men's scent ever & can recognize it easily! Yummyyyyyy!! I even wear it once in a while:) Delish..

Feb 14

My b/f tried this on, and it reminded both of us of the chemicals used in an outhouse or something. It's awful! I don't know how this scent works on women - have seen several people mention it does. I...

Nov 2

I don't know what it is about this fragrance exactly but I just cannot stand it. I find it way too strong and sickly. I had an ex who used to wear it and I had to ask him to stop because it was making...

Jun 17

Agreed that this one would smell great on a woman, but I think the Obsessions are pretty well interchangeable for both genders, at least in their current formulations. Most oriental fragrances read fa...

Nov 20

Woah! Don't come near me in this stuff - !! Not sure if it just didn't suit my male friend who used to swear by it but I always found it smelled slightly sour on his skin. I have disliked it ever si...

Oct 24

Where are you girls on this one? This perfume is amazing for women. It is rich, passionate, sexy, and last for 8 hours! Please try it, it's beautiful even if it is marketed towards men. EDIT:Nice but...