Face Wash & Cleanser
Facial Soap for Oily Skin
3.280 reviews
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80 reviews
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Apr 17

This is a very drying soap intended for oilier skin types (3 and 4). To make matters worse, it contains Menthol that is a potential irritant. Although it will provide a "clean" and cool feeling that ...

Jan 10

I get a big sense of nostalgia about this oily bar soap from Clinique Bc it was my first high end skincare product I bought from the high end department store in Macy's as a teenager with very oily s...

Dec 10

Best face soap I have ever used. I love soap, always have. Have always been searching for the best bar for my combination/oily skin. This is it. I have been using this for over a year and whenever I t...

Nov 13

Probbbbaaablllyyy my favorite facial soap. The hesitancy is because I don't usually use soap (prefer face wash) and it is a little pricey (my boyfriend almost fainted when he saw me paying). That bein...

Dec 27

Got this to alternate with my Rodan and Fields acne cleanser. It does such a good job at making me feel fresh and clean while actually absorbing all of my excess oil. The best part is that I can use t...

Oct 8

I bought this to refill my dish I had of Clinique soap, it's a refill fits perf & i'd been having some issues w breaking out on my chin I use cleanse off oil (MAC) in the AM to make sure I have deep c...

Aug 25

I had very oily skin, acne prone in my teens. I used this as part of the 3 step system, as recommended by the staff at Clinique. It dried out my skin terribly. My skin then increased oil production t...

May 16

Clinique recommended the "For Oily Skin" formula of their bar soap for my combination skin (super oily t-zone) and though I was a little leery and leaning towards a gentler formula, I went with their ...

Aug 3

Hg cleanser!! Loveeeeee it!

Mar 12

I have been using this for decades...for really oily skinned girls this is an essential because it is even a little too mild for you which is good and what you you can use a makeup removing ...
