Hair Mask
Frizz Dismiss Mask
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4 reviews
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Dec 13

Brilliant hair mask. I loved the Frizz Dismiss shampoo but not the conditioner...and then I tried this! It's the icing on the cake in this collection. I use it for about 10 minutes (20 if I get the ch...

Nov 11

Sad replacement for the original Smooth Down Butter Treat. I couldn’t get into the Smooth Lock either, which smelled gross, just like Frizz Dismiss. Do yourself a favor and pass on this one. Go with R...

Apr 26

This is the replacement for Smooth Lock Butter Silk. Why the fluff would Redken discontinue an amazing conditioner like that & replace it with this horror? The smell is gross but I could get past that...

Apr 27

This has very nice packaging and has a powdery scent. I think this is supposed to be a reformulated version of the Smooth Down line but I'm not positive. For me, it does a great job of controlling fri...