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Lipstick in Gipsy, Dolce Vita
4.247 reviews
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47 reviews
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Mar 13

Dolce Vita is the Perf MLBB the best MLBB I own. Gipsy is my best red. I ♥️ NARS. If you own these 2 lipsticks do you really need any others?! (Says the woman who owns 500+ tubes of lipstick) the pack...

Mar 7

Summary: - Easy to use - Looks good on any skin color - I would buy it again - Expensive but beautiful :') I heard this is most popular color out of the range and I could see why. The color look...

May 23

Both Gipsy and Dolce Vita are very natural looking lipsticks, more like tinted lip balms. Dolce Vita is the lipstick I pair with smokey eyes and on my "non make-up" days. Gipsy has a bit more reddish ...

Nov 7

NW10-15 (neutral-cool toned, very fair), blue eyes, Color season is True Summer, Baumann Skin Type is OSPW. Eh. I keep trying to "make it work" (Tim Gunn!). For some reason, this just comes off look...

Feb 5

Dolce Vita is definitely an MLBB for me. It is sheer, so I can look natural and not caked-on, yet it adds color and volume to my lips that they would not have on their own. If you think it's too she...

Oct 26

I bought Nars DolceVita lipstick upon its popularity on the Nars website. Well, the colour is a very natural one and gives some healthy look to your lips. However I would recommend to wear it with the...

Jul 22

Interestingly enough, this lipstick does nothing for my asian skintone. I am NC15 and i thought this would be a great lipstick to have on hand when you have no makeup and want to brighten your face. i...

Aug 3

I am constantly wearing something on my lips. I have to because if I don't I continue to lick my lips which leaves them dry. Anyway, I love, love, love this lipstick. It makes me look polished. I ...

Jun 18

An excellent lipstick which flatters my asian skintone. This is one to keep in the car and bag as it suits all types of makeup and looks quite natural so ideal when you need a quick top up and do not ...

Feb 25

I just wanted to say that when NARS is good it's VERY good but when NARS is bad, it's VERY bad. I completely agree with what the person below said and would also love to know what's going on!!!! I ha...