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Face Moisturizer
Gel Hydra Pureté
4.15 reviews
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Reviews (5)
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5 reviews
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Jan 25

I have been using this product for 4 years now and it is only thing that works. It doesn't burn or coat my skin. I have sensitive skin (my neck turn red if I just touch it) and I still break out. I...

Dec 31

I have been using this cleanser for four years. I was reluctant to go for a cleanser that was formulated for oily/combination skin as i feared that it would dry my skin out like many other cleansers ...

Jun 9

This is a nice balanced cleanser that does what every facial wash should do! Why is is that something that works so simply and so well, should cost so much? Gotta love the French. They know skin ca...

Nov 25

I love this gentle cleansing gel. I have combination skin, but most cleansers just make my skin feel tight, but not this one. It doesn't lather up too much (which is good), but gives a thorough clean...

Oct 12

Purifying Cleansing Gel with Citrus Extracts for Combination and Oily Skin. Contains: (from the Guinot site as product does not include ingredient list) "Sulfur:purifies and helps regulate sebum produ...