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Soft Lights - Smashing Highlight [DISCONTINUED]
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23 reviews
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Apr 16

This is a good highlighter--looks yellow in the pan, but goes on pink-luster, so more or less a duochrome. It came in a set with a matching gold-pink gloss. The wide surface makes brushing up the powd...

Mar 15

I'm an NC45, or caramel in superstay and photoready. I really like this highlight. Yes it looks yellow in the pan but come on the cheeks as a beautigul irridescent pink. It very nice on top of a matte...

Mar 5

I bought this in an amazing deal as part of Smashbox Who's Your Agent Spring Color Kit. It's a brilliant highlighter, it just appears a flat yellow in the pan but applied above blush really brightens...

Feb 27

I got it for $4.50 so it's not a complete waste. I dont think anyone NEEDS to have this highlighrter around since it doesnt DO anything for your complexion. I have light to medium skin tone, but this ...

Nov 22

Highlight reminds me of MACs Ricepaper & Pink Opal mixed together! It has that iridescent sheen to it, like a duo chrome, when you are at a certain angle you see the second color to it, and when you l...

Nov 21

RIS-- I loove this highlighter. Has such a beautiful almost iridescent finish to it. Very flattering and is a bit unexpected. I probably won't use everyday, but will definitely use for special occa...

Sep 6

I got this for Christmas as part of a gift set. To be honest I have never used a highlighter before and wasn't that sure what to do with it. Thought it would end up at the bottom of my make up bag and...

Apr 21

it looks yellow on the pan and once applied is an iridescent pink. not worth the money IMO.

Feb 6

This is an unusual colour to describe; I would almost class it as a duochrome. At first glance Highlight is a mid-toned yellow, possibly not the sort of colour that you would put on your face. However...

Jan 3

I bought this product in three differens colors, the peach shimmer, the mauvey bronzethingey and this abricotsheen. I like this the most and gave away the other two. This has a pink/yellow sheen. It a...