Face Primer
Protective Foundation Primer UV
0 reviews
Product from
Paul and Joe
Reviews (21)
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21 reviews
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May 13

It is a tinted primer (02),quite thick so doesn't spread easily and it has a slight fragrance; which I don't mind. I like how it has hight spf in it but over time it didn't matter so much to me, inste...

Oct 15

I love this :D! I was having trouble with my mu not lasting for even four hours, with setting powder. I used this, because I needed some SPF (hadn't used it in a while so forgot really how good it was...

May 1

Sadly this did not work for me, mainly because of the color. It's very cool/peachy and I'm very warm/yellow so we do not go together. The lightest shade is light enough for me (NC15), just the wrong t...

Mar 12

Update: Stopped using this since I'm still gearing towards easier to blend and smoother finish primers. This tends to clog pores and feels quite heavy on the skin. Although this may be perfect for sum...

Sep 21

a product that works ! I was really surprised because the past two primers i've tried have been no good, but Paul and Joe's protective foundation primer is outstanding. Makeup application was very smo...

Feb 27

I bought this when I ran out of my Clinique City Block and wanted to try something different. I was after a primer with SPF (i'm from Australia, so this is a must), and this was one of the few that I'...

Nov 22

Amazing product! I really like the texture, and the fact that it makes your skin glow! It really makes my foundation stay on the whole day. I even used it on a holiday to Indonesia for a month in the ...

Aug 13

I LOVE this primer. I have been through SEVERAL primers and will stop my quest for an HG primer because I have found it in Paul & Joe's Protective Foundation Primer. It's so good, I am considering buy...

Jun 12

I had a few samples of this in colour 02 - looked a bit light for me (NC35) but the colour was minimal it seems. Did help with foundation application, and stopped me from oxidising which is my biggest...

Mar 20

I've tried so many primers and while some do their job, the P&J primer alone instantly makes my skin look amazing! Once I apply this, I get this beautiful glow and my skin looks more even, almost read...