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Face Wash & Cleanser
Cleansing Gel
2.86 reviews
Product from
Anna Sui
Reviews (6)
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6 reviews
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Dec 17

I have to admit that Anna Sui's products are really attractive but this cleanser really dissapoint me, alot.It didnt lather at all and i was afraid that i did not clean my skin clean enough even after...

Jun 17

Just a basic highly fragrance cleansing gel that comes in cute packaging.

Mar 13

I used some when I was staying over at a friend's house and hadn't brought my own cleanser. The bottle/tube/container/thingy was pretty full, even though I knew she'd had it for a while. Stupid me, I ...

Jan 28

Anna Sui's packaging beats everyone elses, IMHO! This gel comes in a baby pink tube with the signature black rose on the top (the cap) and it cleanses pretty well without stripping my skin and making ...

Dec 9

As the name implies, this is a cleansing gel. I got a sample of this with a purchace of a magazine. It's in a transluscent pink tube with a dark purple(nearly black) rose shaped cap. I'm not sure what...

Jul 17

A basic cleanser, with superlative packaging. However, I go through cleansing products like water, and I won't continue to repurchase something as disposable as a cleanser simply for the packaging, cu...