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Women's Fragrance
Eau de Paradis
3.84 reviews
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4 reviews
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Sep 15

This has been my fave since it came out and I was so disappointed to find out that I have to go to the Bay to buy it now since Shoppers no longer stocks it. Funny, they will say it was discontinued w...

Jun 8

This has really stolen my heart! I saw the 20ml bottle designed by Vanessa Bruno and I decided to try it out. I love that it's fresh, sweet and warm in the heart. I can really smell the sweet red frui...

Nov 24

Eau de Paradis Is a much more fruity scent compared to the Eau de Oceane that I also reviewed. As fruity as it can be, it's not very strong as not very long-lasting. As I said with the review of Eau d...

Aug 22

I just bought this fragrance yesterday and fell in love. I tried the Ocean one and was not as thrilled with it. The Ocean one was nice but I guess it didn't suit my chemistry. When I tried it on me th...