Face Moisturizer
Wrinkle Softener Beauty Cream
3.822 reviews
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22 reviews
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Jan 23

Wrinkle Softener is one of my favourite products of Jurlique. Although expensive, it lasts a long while as it's quite thick and you only need a small amount. For referance I have super sensitive skin ...

Mar 7

I tried a small tube of this and loooooved it, but it was so expensive I decided to go back to my Nuxe moisturizer. But my skin looked so amazing when I was using the Jurlique, as soon as I finished ...

Jul 8

this is much lighter than the calendula cream. i dnt use it very often as i feel i dnt need anti wrinkle product yet. if ur not using it for wrinkle product and just a moisteriser i feel it doesnt kee...

Oct 29

I was surprisingly happy with this product! It is a rich and moisturising and I definitely noticed a difference to any lines around my eye area (didn't do anything for wrinkles as I am yet to have the...

Mar 30

My skin has become rather dry lately and is normally intolerant of any creams or lotions. I got this and the Viola sensitive skin cream, I prefer the Beauty cream because it is richer, although I cann...

Jan 17

Haha dammnit, I'm gonna be sooooooooo poor! It really does plump up the skin temporarily with the marshmallow extract. (I mean it does for me anyway, and my Mum) I use a tiny drop mixed with ordinar...

Oct 16

Smells gorgeous but it contains synthetic fragrances contrary to Jurlique's marketing. They have now admitted to this via their website (ingredient information - you need to read between the lines). ...

Sep 13

I'm very young, too young to have wrinkles, but premature aging does run in my family, so since I was 17 yrs old I've been searching for the right wrinkle cream. I found it, the plumping effect lasts ...

May 16

I found my moisturizer! I love this stuff, I have dry skin, and this is the only thing I have found that actually absorbs into my skin deeply without feeling greasy. I love the way it makes my skin f...

Dec 8

This product, i feel is highly underrated. It does exactly what it says it does, and it is EXTREMELY moisturising and hydrating. It would have to be THE best *moisturiser* i have ever used. And iv'e t...