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Women's Fragrance
L'Eau de Jatamansi
3.215 reviews
Product from
L'artisan Parfumeur
Reviews (15)
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15 reviews
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Oct 30

This could have been L'artisan's hottest item if it only lasted more than 45minutes. I kid you not, there isn't even a hint of it left after one hour. Even if the bottles came in smaller sizes, I thin...

Nov 16

Goes on citrus and incense-y wood. A very nice, mild incense scent with the citrus a mere ornament to the soft, smooth wood. Drying, it is mostly wood incense, but lacks the harsh edges that made Jais...

Oct 3

Notes: jatamansi, clary sage, bergamot, grapefruit, cardamom, iced tea accord, Turkish rose, ylang ylang, patchouli, gaïac, vetiver, sandalwood, papyrus and incense. This fragrance opens with a woody...

Mar 18

Jatamansi is not a citrus frag, at least to my nose. It is green and fresh, but immediately incensey, spicy: it evokes a monastery in the mountains (yep Tibet or Nepal, it is where the flower grows...

Feb 24

Strong lemon-orange opening, a bit of pleasant sourness, reminds me of that blast of scent you get upon walking into an Aveda salon. Lasting power is nil which is disappointing given the hefty price.

Mar 9

Lemon Fresh.....wasn't there an inexpensive fragrance named that in the 70's? This takes me back to that.

Jan 7

Fresh, smells like Lemons. I think I could focus on this. Light and airy. Refreshing for sure. I don't know how long it will last probably not very but this is very nice and calming, soothing. Drydown...

Dec 17

Wow. This smells very much like those organic products from Weleda or Dr. Hauschka. Luckily, I happen to like those odours even though they don't really resemble "fragrances", as they convey an idea o...

Dec 9

I have been hunting for a natural perfume for some time as want to avoid phtalates etc in my products. Came across this and really like it. The bottle is huge - it costs about 80 quid but is 250 mls...

Aug 18

This has great lasting power on me, (quite rare for a citrus), its a spicy citrus but I get a lot of citrus and i love it. It reminds me a little of annick goutal nuit de hadrian but with more lemon. ...