Women's Fragrance
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Mar 21

Billed as a "corrupted oriental" I find Amarinthine to be a unique creamy white floral supporting a lovely banana/banana leaf note. For me this is love with a twist. Zazie has listed all the published...

Jan 15

The thing about this scent is that I can completely see why it's brilliant in its own way. I enjoy many of the notes - the warm milky banana and slightly indolic jasmine. If only it stayed that way. U...

Jun 21

Gorgeous scent ! So unique, it make me feel so privilege to wear and becoming posh ! Love it a lot and will buy again definitely. I don't understand when some people here saying it's dirty smells or...

Mar 29

I really wanted to love this fragrance after reading so many reviews on it but sadly it is not a perfume that I can pull off, It would be like doing the walk of shame every day that you wear this perf...

Jan 6

I just don't understand the reviews that say this is "dirty" or "bad girl" or "sexy". What? When I first smelled this, the first words that came to my mind were "soft, innocent, creamy floral." I let ...

Aug 5

I don't know why anyone would ever want to wear this. It is truly awful. It's a scrubber all the way. Maybe you're lucky and have fantastic body chemistry with this, but on me it just smelled like sal...

Apr 21

My favorite Penhaligons scent. It smells like being on holiday in a paradise getaway....Fantastic and makes me happy.

Mar 10

This one surprised me. I'd tried the tiniest dab on the way out of the house one day and all I could smell was a very masculine cologne scent. Now I've properly applied (a really huge dab from the sam...

Jan 30

Within the first three sniffs, you know you are dealing with a master, in this case, Bertrand Duchafour. This is the third time I'm trying this fragrance, and I get so many different notes , white flo...

Dec 22

This is a very "bad girl/bad boy" fragrance on some people I've smelled it on, yet almost a "comfort food" perfume on others. It depends on how strong the cumin-type note is - it can range from non-ex...