I tend to love all perfumes for what they are, even if they're meant to mimic tarnish or rhubarb, funeral homes, laundry detergent, or play dough. But, I sincerely do not understand how anyone could l...
Two things: I still love it . . . but I wish they hadn't reformulated it. This has been my signature scent since it was introduced in 2003, so that's nearly ten years. I have gone through four bottl...
i know this is awful but this was what wwent through my head when i tried Bluebell on: "Princess Diana wore this?! No wonder Prince Charles cheated on her! I would if my wife wore this. It doesn't ma...
Endymion is AMAZING!!! It is supposed to be for men, but this smells so good that I just don't care! I put it on, realized it was definitely for men, and then went on with my day. I kept smelling this...
This smells EXACTLY like 4711. Not even kidding. I could detect absolutely no difference. My mother wears 4711 and has since she was a young woman. We've always had big bottles around, so trust me whe...
Wow, this scent is strangely addicting. I bought it decant a few days ago, put it on, and soon forgot about it. But, as the day wore on, I kept smelling tiny whiffs of something very pleasant. My firs...
Demeter makes a better true LOTV scent. It smells okay, just not quite right. And maybe it was just me, but this smelled a little sour.
Despite beautiful packaging, this one was truly a scrubber. The Cilantro note completely destroyed what otherwise would have been a pleasant fragrance. It wound up smelling like a pet shop I used to g...
Two things: 1.) It burned when I put it on, which was odd. 2.) After the burning went away, I was overwhelmed by this awful scent. I had SUCH high hopes for this scent as the description for it was ev...
I don't know why anyone would ever want to wear this. It is truly awful. It's a scrubber all the way. Maybe you're lucky and have fantastic body chemistry with this, but on me it just smelled like sal...