My partner and I have been using this for about 3 years. It is the only expensive product we buy - it is worth it because it controls our break outs and also controls his seborrheic dermatitis. I have...
I work in a shop and whenever a customer comes in wearing this, I can still smell it long after they leave. It's intoxicating and just plain beautiful. It smells like a bouquet of roses sprinkled with...
This is one of my all-time favourite scents, I love it SO MUCH. I wear it when I go out and as everyone else has mentioned, men find it irresistable.
I used to LOVE this mascara.... then I tried some more brands. It's pretty good but I only gave it 3 lippies because it's too expensive for what it is. I would say Maybelline Great Lash is better, for...