Joined Oct 7

Reviews (4)

it works really great,,, i use it for my cracked lips.. recommended very much... it works from the very first day!

Eight Hour Cream Skin Protectant
476 reviews

1. ugly packaging (looks like cheap compact powder).. 2. it doesn't really make you looks like wearing any powder.. doesn't cover much 3. vast range of colors 4. stays only for 2 hours

Pureness Mattifying Compact oilfree spf 16
35 reviews

1. ugly packaging (looks like cheap compact powder).. 2. it doesn't really make you looks like wearing any powder.. doesn't cover much 3. vast range of colors 4. stays only for 2 hours

Pureness Mattifying Compact oilfree spf 16
35 reviews
Review product Total Finish NEW 2006

very good product! stay matte for about 5 hours. some people who said that using this powder made their face looked like a drag queen (fake-too thick), i think it's because of over application. I'm u...

Total Finish NEW 2006
7 reviews