Joined Oct 6

Reviews (3)
Review product Base Plus Balance

I was constantly blotting my skin because this made my skin extremely oily. It looked good when I would first apply it, but after time my face was shining and I felt like I wanted to wash it off.

Base Plus Balance
19 reviews

Great Maintence Mask. Have had great results with it. Don't like the residual sulfur smell on my face after it is washed off. But it is worth it for minimized pores, even complextion and zit zapping p...

OUT OF TROUBLE™ 10 Minute Mask To Rescue Problem Skin
165 reviews

Glass gave me the silky, straight, non frizzy look I was trying to achieve from a flat iron, but I don't have to fry my hair.Biosilk works well also.

01 glass smoothing anti frizz serum
96 reviews