Mostly it doesn't smudge, but 4 of 5 times, I had clumping problems out of the tube. For someone with not a superabundance of lashes, the last thing I wanted was for a bunch to glob together. Disappoi...
I have had this concealer pen in "Moyen" for several months. It's easy to use, but if you need to really really cover something, it's too sheer.
I have very fine hair, and finding something that adds volume w/o weighing my hair down has been a challenge. I got a sample of this and found that it works well enough to purchase a full bottle. I al...
I think that the long-wears are a great product in general, and I like Shore to even out the color of my lids which often are a little red. Sometimes I'll layer an actual color on top, sometimes not i...
In my mid-40s w/combo but growing drier skin. I thought it might be too heavy, but it smoothes right in. I use AM and PM in the fall-winter and just PM in spring. Has a strong smell which I love but m...
I was skeptical at first b/c I have fine hair and worried that it would weight it down rather than fluff it up. Wrong. This stuff is terrific. A little goes a long way. The volumizing shampoo I've had...
It really is long-wear. You have about 20 seconds to smudge it, after that, it goes no where -- even in humidity. It's my go-to for everyday now as just about every other eye liner I tried ends up all...