Joined Oct 7

Reviews (4)

I have always had problems with foaming cleansers that seem overly harsh and leave my skin feeling stripped (not to mention soaps...). I have found this product to be very gentle and like the fact th...

Clarifiance [DISCONTINUED]
42 reviews

Other than the totally insane price (although for Sisley I suppose it could appear to be a bargain) I think this scrub is great. I couldn't use it every day because it would "buff" a bit too much, bu...

Buff and Wash Botanical Face Gel
0 reviews
Review product Midnight Secret

I was sucked in by the seductive name of this product. What a waste of $100! One of the most standard, least interesting, least effective moisturizers I've ever used. EL Night Repair is light years...

Midnight Secret
98 reviews

My night cleanser for the past ten plus years. Love the fact that I can apply it to dry skin, then rinse off with warm water without the product foaming up. Leaves my skin very receptive to night cr...

Cleansing Beauty Oil Balancer
0 reviews