Joined Oct 6

Reviews (28)

I have two palettes that have severe dips from frequent use and love - Chanel Kaska Beige and this lovely thing. Kaska Beige imparts a slightly mauved, dusty-diffuse brown haze that brings out the gol...

Eye Quad - Cocoa Mirage
25 reviews

I'm sold. Yep. That's it. My hair is relaxed, so I must be extremely careful with it. No coloring, no razor trims, no flat-ironing (well, I flat-iron about once a quarter, so that's not often at all)...

Chronologiste Cream and Pearl Mask
26 reviews
Review product Airbrush Concealer

SUPERLATIVE UNDEREYE CONCEALER! Seriously. I have moderately dark circles, and lines as well (I'm not a young'n no more) and this does very very well. The Medium is teh same color as Erase Paste #2 an...

Airbrush Concealer
242 reviews
Review product Concealer in Honey

I, too, wear 6.5 on Armani LSF - also 155 in MUFE HD and 34 in MUFE Face & Body, MAC c40 (sometimes nc35 for the foundation products that run a litte darker). This concealer is a dead-ringer for my be...

Concealer in Honey
11 reviews

The product itself is very smooth and well pigmented. The dark brown is a little cool for me, but with UDPP, the taupe looks good in the crease, and the second-to-lightest is pretty on the lid.

Les 4 Ombres - 13 Beiges de Chanel Quad
26 reviews

On me, this is light dirty mauve. Not beige - I am so very warm-toned, that only something like MAC Siss I can say is not mauvey. I wear this color with Nymphette over it - the golden color in Nymphet...

Matte Lipstick - Velvet Teddy
357 reviews
Review product ZOOM LASH

I'm surprised, but I am loving this! It is VERY WET, but that allows me to comb it out. With this formula, I need to have my Revlon pen makeup eraser for the issues that DO crop up with application, b...

840 reviews

I cry <b>a lot</b> nowadays, mending a broken heart and this takes the tears while keeping me looking sane (that is, after I put in some eye drops after the crying jags). And then I can get onstage wi...

DiorShow Mascara Waterproof
392 reviews
Review product Concentre Vita Ciment

Ever heard of this? You would if you stumbled across it on eBay, like I did. This is the stuff they put on your hair in the salon, and then you keep it up for 4 weeks using Forcintense, then come back...

Concentre Vita Ciment
32 reviews
Review product Original Musk

Ugh. No way. I sprayed it on m'self and all the way around the mall, all the way home, all that night until I washed it off in the morning, I was looking around, trying to find that little old lady wh...

Original Musk
125 reviews