Joined Oct 6

Reviews (3)

This is my first Buttershine lipstick. This lipstick has shea butter as one of its ingredients so it looks more like lip gloss on me (which is what I prefer). The color is a sheer, slightly shimmery...

Colour Surge Butter Shine Lipstick - Berry Blush 415
62 reviews
Review product Lip Shine - Ginger

I don't consider this product to be a lip gloss. The color is nice. The shine is ok. It's not a glamourous gloss. It does not last as a lip gloss nor color. Basically, it is just a fancy lip balm....

Lip Shine - Ginger
5 reviews

This product is actually perfect! I love the fact that it has sheer, glass-like, non-greasy shine and it lasts way longer than my MAC glosses (AND I LOVE MAC). This is the only lipgloss that I cheat...

Full Potential plumping lip gloss
68 reviews