Joined Oct 6

Reviews (5)
Review product Voleur de Roses

I am in love with the idea of this fragrance. All the positive reviews make this out to be one of the most evocative fragrances--beautiful, romantic imagery! I love L'Artisan, and while I don't love...

Voleur de Roses
131 reviews
Review product Parfum des Merveilles

I just bought the refill, which has fine packaging, considering it was about 70 euros less than the silver bottle. I love the original EdT, but this is quite different. Less effervescent and sweet, ...

Parfum des Merveilles
5 reviews

To me, this fragrance is very reminiscent of the holidays, which is what made me buy it. It doesn't actually smell like wine, but to me, it gets at the concept of mulled wine. Right off, I get the p...

118 reviews
Review product Dzing Eau de Toilette

Oh, Dzing! It popped up in my dream the other night and it was like an unexpected kiss. This experience has made me dearly love the fragrance even more. At first, it comes off so strangely--the saw...

Dzing Eau de Toilette
121 reviews
Review product OEillet Sauvage

I managed to snag an original bottle of this and happily it hasn't turned. This reminds me of a Crabtree and Evelyn carnation soap I adored when I was little. I didn't use it for years-- I just smell...

OEillet Sauvage
26 reviews