Joined Oct 7

Reviews (3)

Hands down my best palette investment EVER. I actually use every product in it! The 2 eyecolors are just lovely, one is nice neutral wash, the other is a deep dark brown, great as a wet liner or nice ...

"Ski Slopes" Color Palette For F [DISCONTINUED]
31 reviews

Sorry to be the detractor here but I hated this and returned it. When the SA put it on me at the counter, I felt like I looked radiant and glowing. The rose colors were perfect for my PPP skin and I t...

Rose Shimmer Brick Shimmerbrick
135 reviews
Review product Fluidline-Rich Ground

OMG!!!!!!! I'm new to MAC (at 33 years old, can you believe it?) and had heard good things about the fluidliners in general. I got Blacktrack because that seemed like a staple but when I swiped Rich G...

Fluidline-Rich Ground
175 reviews