Joined Oct 6

Reviews (7)
Review product Hoola Matte Bronzer

i wanted to love this product, i really did. i am going to give it another shot now that the weather is cooling off and i become even more pale :P because i felt like it just wasn't pigmented enough f...

Hoola Matte Bronzer
1470 reviews

i soooooooo wanted to love this. the price is spot on, and the reviews are great. i feel that i did not clean my face *at all* with this cleanser, it didn't remove diddly squat worth of makeup and i a...

Hydrating Facial Cleanser
803 reviews

i read some of the reviews on this product, and am confused. i think folks think it's a "regular" eye primer. it's not. it's glitter glue. you apply regular primer, then your shadow, THEN pat this bab...

Shadow Insurance - Glitter Glue
0 reviews
Review product Photo Finish Primer

i enjoy this primer a lot. it's my daily "go to" primer, and i am quite satisfied with it. i alternate it with the primer water, or benefit's "porefressional" primer every so often, but always end up ...

Photo Finish Primer
0 reviews

oh bobbi. how i love you. missed a good nights rest (again?) no need to fear, bobbi's shimmer brick to the rescue! swipe a brush full of this shimmery (yet subtle enough for day time work) onto your c...

Peony ShimmerBrick Shimmer Brick Compact
49 reviews

I love this product. As another reviewer posted, I made the mistake of putting foundation & powder on first, which made me have a red dot on each cheek :0) but now I just put my foundation on first, t...

Benetint Cheek & Lip Stain
2140 reviews
Review product You Rebel

I only use this product in the summer...when I'm darker. It's too orange-ish in the winter, and I like using it in the summer with the glaring sunlight, it looks more natural than my regular foundatio...

You Rebel
238 reviews