Joined Oct 6

Reviews (6)
Review product Advanced Concealer

3 for this due to super crappy shade selection. All of two colors to choose from,which is a real bummer because I love the consistency and coverage. I also like the fact that the product comes in a ...

Advanced Concealer
122 reviews

This is THE leave in product for my dry waist length hair. For the last three years I used Shine 'n lite groom (and two years prior to that the creme de la creme,and original creme with silk) and I di...

Leave-in Conditioner [DISCONTINUED]
134 reviews
Review product Solid Grooming Aid

I despise this product. I usually go for the Shine'n'lite groom-now I am definately sticking with it. This solid groomer left my waist length ends 'pasty' and stuck together. I think this product c...

Solid Grooming Aid
7 reviews
Review product Amino Acid Shampoo

Looking for a break rom my Lecithin conditioning shampoo,I picked up a bottle of this (fairly new) shampoo,and I must say I am liking it so far. The smell reminds me very much of the lecithin and cocn...

Amino Acid Shampoo
118 reviews
Review product Silk Body Powder

I love my Seidenpuder-it is my holy grail face powder! My sister usually gets this for me when she is in Germany,though just about every Whole Foods carries it. I used to put it in my hair as a ...

Silk Body Powder
14 reviews

Does this mask smell good? Did it look attractive perched on top of my vanity? Yes. Did it do anything special for my skin,anything at all. NO. This was not worth my time or money. I used it twic...

Primrose Facial Cleansing Masque
46 reviews