Joined Oct 6

Reviews (22)
Review product Pigment - Blue Brown

I absolutely love, love, love this pigment. It's not really up my alley, but it's so stunning, I can't help but want to kiss it and hold it's hands. It photographs so well, and it's so unique, I highl...

Pigment - Blue Brown
227 reviews
Review product Pigment - Rose

I was so excited to try this pigment, but was really disappointed with the texture and consistency. It's such a beautiful pink with gold, but it's chunky. The texture is enough to turn me off of it co...

Pigment - Rose
198 reviews
Review product Blush - Deep Throat

I'm one of the few people this blush doesn't seem to work for. NC20-25. I don't find it all that pigmented at all, actually- it takes a lot of swipes to get anything to show up. There's many other blu...

Blush - Deep Throat
0 reviews

The quality of these shadows is amazing. However the colors are neither exciting nor original. I like the olive quite a bit, but on my skin it becomes kind of dirty looking. It'd be convenient to keep...

Ambient Eye Shadow Quad
0 reviews

I tried this product after becoming increasingly annoyed with UDPP's packaging. I figured that my eyes weren't particularly oily or anything, so I should give this a try. Gah, never again. First off, ...

Shadow Insurance 24-Hour Eyeshadow Primer
0 reviews

Good lotion- cheap, absorbs easily, moisturizes and you can buy it pretty much everywhere. I like that the scent is very light, almost like laundry detergent or something. I guess the only reason I ga...

Cream Oil Intensive Body Lotion
75 reviews

Got this in GWP palette, it's very beautiful. The fine shimmers of this bubbly champagne make it stunning. It looks absolutely amazing as a highlighter.

Maquiriche Eyeshadow- Honeymoon
31 reviews

I like this pink, and being a Neutral20, it suits me alright. It really depends on what lip liner you wear it with. With the correct application (lip primer and lip brush), it looks stunning, somethin...

526 reviews

I got this color from my aunt as a gift and I'm afraid I don't like it very much. As with most Clinique lipsticks, the quality itself is great- smooth texture, great application but I just don't like ...

Long Last - Blushing Nude
108 reviews
Review product Ginger

I bought this in a duo along with the shade Custard at Sephora for $10 (yes, I peed in my pants a little when I found it online). I'm so thrilled, the closest concealer I had before was MAC's NW20 Stu...

0 reviews