Joined Oct 7

Reviews (3)

I am totally amazed what this has done for my menopausal skin! My pores are now non existent, dark sun spots from tanning are gone, dark circles gone, broken capilarries-gone! My skin has a luminos...

Prevage Anti-Aging Overnight Cream
17 reviews

I am one of the fortunate ones whom this works for. I agree that not every line is going to be universally compatible for all. That being said, I am amazed at how this line has transformed my complex...

Allergan - Prevage MD Anti-aging Treatment (1 prescription-strength Formulation)
117 reviews
Review product Shalimar

Ahhh, Shalimar, Truly a magnifient scent. I have worn it for years, it is my signiture sent. I ALWAYS get compliments from men. I have been stopped in airports, walking down the street, the grocery...

434 reviews