Joined Oct 7

Reviews (7)
Review product Concealer in Honey

Jury is still out on this one…the color seems a bit off (I’m a NC 44 and MUFE HD in 155), it’s kind of heavy, it’s hard to swipe just a little bit of it and it is hard for me to blend. It kind of sit...

Concealer in Honey
11 reviews

I have been lemming this for awhile. I finally decided to just do it and ordered it. The color in the pot was INTENSE. It totally frightened me. It was so dark. I frowned - it's summer in Georgia...

Pot Rouge for Lips & Cheeks- Chocolate Cherry
37 reviews

Chypre is my favorite aroma. There is something about it that just moves me. I wore this in my late 20s and then developed terrible allergies and had to do away with perfume. Several years (and all...

Cristalle Eau de Toilette
208 reviews
Review product Eau d'Hadrien

Le Sigh in the words of PePe LePew... It goes on with an initial citrus punch to the nose. I smell more lemon than anything but not that eyes water, lips pucker lemon. It's layered with another not...

Eau d'Hadrien
164 reviews
Review product 27 - Yachiyo

I am NOT a makeup girl therefore I am NOT a makeup brush girl. I've tooled around with brushes but never really paid any attention to them. I bought this one and I can honestly say that I have notic...

27 - Yachiyo
131 reviews
Review product Ita Brush

I disagree...while I have used makeup for over 30 years - I never really pay attention to brushes and applications (which would explain my dreadfully boring look). I just began investing in makeup br...

Ita Brush
56 reviews
Review product Botan Brush

Ok...I am NOT a brush girl but everyone touts makeup brushes and I bought this one. When it arrived at the house and I opened it - the first thing I said was "This thing is HUGE" and I'm a big girl. ...

Botan Brush
47 reviews