Joined Oct 7

Reviews (5)

I got mine at strawberrynet. Lovely trio, with an off white very shimmery, a nice gold (on the bronze side) and a dark brown. Packaging is cute. I love how fine the shimmer is (tho mine you it's quite...

Baked Eyeshadow Trio - Gold Glow
0 reviews

My fave ! I love gel liners and blitz and glitz is such a pretty black and gold color. The gold is very subbtle, so dont expect something ott. The only thing i've noticed is that it somehow dry on you...

Fluidline Eye-Liner Gel in Blitz and Glitz
279 reviews

Lovely springsheen !A great warm pink with gold shimmer. Will probably look great on most skin tones ! Edit : i have to say, no matter how little or how much i apply, it doesnt stay all day on me.

Powder Blush - Springsheen
361 reviews

How can i describe sunbasque ? It's a peachy tan color, with a hint of pink (maybe ?) Shimmers are not really visible. Can be use as a bronzer too. Love it ! Edit : i have to say, no matter how littl...

Powder Blush - Sunbasque
273 reviews

I have a hard time to find natural looking l/s colors on me. I'm fair, but yellow toned, so the colors usually look somehow wrong on me. Pink crystal is a light to medium rich pink. It's not milky, an...

Pure Color Crystal - Crystal Pink
60 reviews