Joined Oct 6

Reviews (5)

I got this FWP and did not think I would like it at all -- it's very plummy looking in the tube. But it turns out it's a sheer mauve and I love it! I'm usually someone who wears tinted lip balm and ...

Different Lipstick - Shy
38 reviews

I love this as my day eye cream. The little bit of shimmer (not noticeable when on, just can see it on the finger that I use to apply it) really helps minimize my under-eye circles. But I wish it ha...

Energy Glow Eye Brightening Cream
37 reviews
Review product eye BRIGHT

I use this in one place and one place only -- the inner corner of my eyelid. I love it there! If you ever watch "What Not to Wear" and see Carmindy putting a little white eye shadow in that spot, th...

587 reviews
Review product Dandelion

I don't understand the raves. It's a pale pink blush. I have pale skin and find it to be an acceptable blush. But I would not use it all over my face (chin and forehead, as recommended by Benefit) ...

1749 reviews
Review product Lemon Aid

I wish I had found this site before I bought this product. The color is perfect and makes me look like my eyelids are actually skin colored, instead of dark purple. But that only lasts for a couple ...

Lemon Aid
735 reviews