I am a huge fan of this. It is shimmer not glittery. So simple to apply. Doesn't rub your make up off underneath and really gives you that summer glow. I would say if you are light to medium go for hi...
I am a meduim brown skin town and have been using Dainty for ages but it is so pink that i have not been able to wear an orange tshirt as it clashes. Have just stuck with pink cheeks pink lipstick. I ...
I have purchased this for the days i don't fancy painting my whole face on make up routine. A quick pop to the shops but don't want to look like a zombie! Im a nc44 foundation and purchased Dark, i ap...
Nice but doesnt show up as well as Soar on my nc44 skin tone
Must have for use under matte lipsticks. Makes lips velvety smoothe and listick lasts all day. No chipping or dry look to lips. To be used with daily lip exfoliator
Im nc44 skin and this is burgandy red on me, completely matte, vampy, lovely for winter. Really lovely colour