Joined Oct 8

Reviews (3)

Mac Prep & Prime Eye creased my shadows after a few hours, and so I bought this over Urban Decay because of the packaging. It keeps my shadows from creasing until I remove my makeup. I just wish it ke...

Shadow Insurance 24-Hour Eyeshadow Primer
0 reviews

I love Glamazon the best. The shadows stay on until I take my makeup off. I just wish Skinny Dip and Lucky Charms were replaced with more wearable colors as I have yet to find an occasion to use them.

Eye Shadow Insurance Policy, High Impact Eye Shadow Collection [DISCONTINUED]
0 reviews
Review product Blush - Angelika

I love this blush! It looks so nice and doll-like on fair skin when applied lightly to the apples. I had bought Orgasm at first, but it just didn't look right on my skin, so I returned it for Angelika...

Blush - Angelika
0 reviews