Joined Oct 7

Reviews (4)

I received a mini JT in Cerise as part of a Lancôme promotion a couple of years back. I ignored it in my drawer forever, and in a way I'm glad I did - if I had used it all up, I wouldn't have more rea...

Lancome Juicy Tubes - Cerise
96 reviews

I adore this mascara! Like vwgogh78, I've been using various iterations of this product for a long time (well over 10 years)! Combined with Lancôme's mascara primer/lash conditioner - currently call...

Eternicils Black MAscara
23 reviews
Review product Fruit Punch Lip Glaze

I have tried two varieties of LG glosses, and they're both going back to Sephora. The scent doesn't translate to flavor; worse yet is the fact that my lips feel like they have been injected with novo...

Fruit Punch Lip Glaze
0 reviews
Review product Eau d'Hadrien

I wear this all summer. It's fresh and feminine to my nose. I don't remotely smell Lemon Pledge, as this is much more sophisticated and elegant than that! The only problem I have with it is that it ...

Eau d'Hadrien
164 reviews