Joined Oct 7

Reviews (3)

Cannot be used as a concealer because, it does not conceal anything. I used this as a highlighter. Looks really nice and pretty at first until it disappears after 5 minutes. Not worth it.

Photo Op Under Eye Brightener
0 reviews
Review product Sekkisei Clear Lotion

This product is not for oily skin. Made my already oily skin more so and felt greasy. This did nothing for me. The SA demonstrated by wiping some on my elbows and saying that it made my elbows smoothe...

Sekkisei Clear Lotion
15 reviews

I used to not wear primers thinking that it's unecessary. But after getting tired of retouching make up that just disappers after a couple of hours, I have decided to go on a search for a good primer....

Prep and Prime Face Protect
514 reviews