Joined Oct 7

Reviews (27)
Review product Lip Injection

My lips seemed to develop an immunity to the active ingredients in this almost immediately meaning I couldn't use this as often as I would have liked. Also, no matter how careful I was it seemed that ...

Lip Injection
500 reviews

I LOVE this product - I've been using it ever since I was a teen and this product has always served me well - so far I have never found the need to buy another foundation. Back in highschool my skin w...

2999 reviews

Oh my goodness this product is SO. GOOD. I bought three tubes of it when it was re-released with Style Black and almost a year later I'm just moving to my second tube. When it comes out of the tube th...

Volcanic Ash Exfoliator
151 reviews

This green gloss goes on a gorgeous honey color once I put it on my lips and adds a fabulous kick when I apply it over super dark lipsticks (such as midnight media or film noir). I love using this on ...

Lustreglass - Spring Bean
200 reviews

Yes! This is the brush you've been looking for ladies. I can't believe I let something as silly as the price let me continue dragging my feet over this purchase for so long. The thing is so damn simpl...

#187 Duo Fiber Face Brush
1313 reviews
Review product Eyeshadow in Electra

Electra is probably the *darkest* silver I one tone wise - there are a lot of deep tones rolling around in this and as a result it works beautifully with any looks that use a lot of dark colors. I fir...

Eyeshadow in Electra
152 reviews

I LOVE THIS PRODUCT! I can't believe I waited so long to invest in a bottle of this stuff. At first I was scared when I tried it because for me it feels like it goes on very wet and I was afraid that...

Prep + Prime Fix+ Setting Spray
1556 reviews
Review product Eye Shadow - Carbon

I love carbon. I mean I really, really love carbon. If this were a man I'd have an arm full of babies with it by now. When you first see it in the pot in can be intimidating - the product is a very da...

Eye Shadow - Carbon
508 reviews
Review product Velvet - Black Tied

This is quickly becoming once of my favorite black shades. Great for smokey eyes when dry or intense looks when applied wet. When used as an eyeliner the silver particles act as a brightener and compl...

Velvet - Black Tied
245 reviews
Review product Eye Shadow - Ricepaper

I don't understand how anyone with a lighter skin tone can be into makeup and not have this. This should be considered an essential pan to anyone currently building their makeup collection. As a highl...

Eye Shadow - Ricepaper
353 reviews