Joined Oct 7

Reviews (3)
Review product Pigment Regulator

am really loving this. no irritation at all. switch off with phloretin cf and my skin is looking clear and very even with darphin orange or tangerine over this. there is no burning sensation. this is...

Pigment Regulator
0 reviews

am using Pearl 140(N) and find it a perfect match. does not sink into pores or creases and just checked in mirror after 6 hours. all still there along with Clair 2 concealer. am amazed right now becau...

Absolue BX Makeup Liquid Foundation
30 reviews
Review product Phloretin CF

am so pleased with this product. i am trying to not use it up and have been lightly using on brown spots and little eruptions. do not know how it works but in hours redness is gone and scarring event...

Phloretin CF
0 reviews