advantages: full coverage, dewy, smooth texture, doesn't make my skin break out,good colour selection for tanner skin-tones, long lasting Disadvantages- after a while it tends to get cakey, recommen...
Advantages: matte looking face with amazing texture,oil free,no break outs,natural looking,amazing smell,good colours,easy to blend,creamy Disadvantages: finishes quickly,, could be a better coverage...
Pros 8) good full coverage creamy liquid long wearing doesnt settle into lines cons 8( changes colour after 20 minutes :( bad colour selection too dull
this foundations is only for dry and non acne prone skin,its so moisturizing and is not oli free,,it;s really shiny and needs to be set with powder,good colour match and clarins foundations are really...
advantages: great coverage ,helps partially covering bad bags ,great colour selection, semi- matte Disadvantages: when you look at the foundation you think its dark but when u apply it its MUCH ligh...