Joined Oct 7

Reviews (5)

Okay so this is literally the best product ever. Like no joke, I have never used such a great product in my life. It keeps my oily skin matte for hours. I only need to retouch literally once a day, MA...

No-Sebum Mineral Powder
77 reviews

First of all I have the new one. Ive had it for about a year and a half and lmao honestly have only used it a handful of times because Im extremely lazy when it comes to masks. But anyways Im African ...

Tomatox Brightening Mask
0 reviews
Review product Wonder Pore Freshener

I've been using the Wonder Pore freshner as a toner for about a year and a half and I will say this is a holy grail product! I'm on my third bottle (first bought the 250 then upgraded to 500 ml after ...

Wonder Pore Freshener
56 reviews
Review product Lovely Cookie Blusher

This product comes in a wide array of colors for ALL skintones, I'm milk chocolate, and I honestly love it! I got mine in plum mousse cake on cosmetic.jolse. It doesn't last that long, but lasts a dec...

Lovely Cookie Blusher
39 reviews
Review product Dear Darling Tint

First of all I got this in Berry Red, and would never use it alone and neither should anyone else or else you'll look like a dumbass imo. Anyways this liptint has a jelly like texture and look and SME...

Dear Darling Tint
17 reviews