Joined Oct 6

Reviews (4)

I recently started using this with the Outer Peace foaming cleanser and I can actually say it is helping. My face is clearer and I have a lot less pimples developing. It works.

Outer Peace Acne Relief Lotion
28 reviews

I've been using this with the Outer Peace Acne lotion for several weeks now and I can honestly say it works. My face gets clearer every day and less new pimples are developing. Smells fantastic and ...

Outer Peace Foaming Cleanser
49 reviews

My mom got this product as a sample and gave it to me. I really like it. The staying power is unbelievable. The texture is nice, not too thin or thick. Not sticky either. The color I got is Burga...

Pure Color Envy Sculpting Gloss
98 reviews
Review product Be Delicious

Wow. So many fragrance snobs! If you like a clean, fruity scent that is not too sweet and lasts awhile, this one is a good choice.

Be Delicious
644 reviews