I suppose there might be better ones out there, but since good mascaras are hard to find, I keep buyng this one. It's a good mascara because it's easy to apply with an even result. Nothing more, nothi...
My HG compact powder. Gives you a natural finish (not "powdery") and allows you a number of touch-ups without ever becoming cakey.
Looks great, but i BREAKS ME OUT. Never had problems with my skin before, so at first I didn't realize this foundation caused my problems and I continued to use it. Took my skin 6 months to recover!
This is a great first eyeliner, since it makes it very easy to achieve an even line. However, if you're already skilled, this is not worth the price, although it will last you a looong time.
works ok during summer, but let me say, there is nothing "mild" about this soap, except for it being fragnance free.
Let's face it: there are no perfect foaming cleansers for combination skin, you have to treat olily/dry areas of your face separately. However, most uf us don't have the time and energy to do that, an...
Finally learned my lesson: a soap is a soap is a soap, "extra mild" or not, it WILL strip your skin.
I might as well "tone" my face with pure alcohol. That's how it feels on my skin.
Since I don't wash my face with a cleanser in the mornings I was hoping this could function as a daytime moisturizer (even thought my skin isn't exactly oily). But this product doesn't provide any moi...
Ok, if you're looking for a natural finish, this is so not it. Looks extremely thick and powdery. Might work well during night time, but don't buy this thinking it's the only foundation you'll need.