GREAT!!!very smooth and natural finish.covers flaws too.
cooling upom application but it DOES NOTHING in minimising pores.
this stuff can really lighten pimple marks.i use it for 14 days and saw results only on the 7th day.however i find this expensive.
cooling upom application but it DOES NOTHING in minimising pores.
my complexion is brighter and very smooth and supple and soft.i only used it once so can't comment on the whitening effects.
this is the best concealer i had feels light and yet excellent is able to conceal dark circles,marks very well.making my complexion flawless and it blend well cost SGD114.
Firstly,use the sheet to wipe tzone area.for removing dead skin cells. Secondly,apply the mask thickly and wait for it to be completely dry then peel off in a upward motion. Lastly,gently pat the esse...
good moisturiser for dry skin.i used this mainly at night as the texture is quite heavy and takes time to be fully lip and nose area is prone to peeling and this is the only cream that manag...