Joined Oct 6

Reviews (52)

I don't really like the lemon-aid and the lip plump, but I think it was worth buying it anyways.

The Realness of Concealness Fake It Palette [DISCONTINUED]
83 reviews

Pointless. Doesn't work at all! Don't buy it!!

Acnopur Emergency Anti-Spot
51 reviews

It's pretty but sticky! It smells ok.

Juicy Tubes - Framboise
40 reviews

I guess it does mattifies but it's expensive for a goddamn toner!

Acnopur clarifying exfoliating lotion
20 reviews
Review product Shampure Conditioner

It has a really strong smell but I like it anyways. It smells like a concentrate of flowers... I buy it for the big bottle and for when I feel like having flower smelling hair.

Shampure Conditioner
90 reviews

At first I was crazy about it because it smells like peach gum but then I started tasting it and it tastes yukky. Just don't waste yur money on it.

Aquasource Lèvres Moisutrizing Balm Protective Lip Care
56 reviews