Joined Oct 6

Reviews (55)

I bought this based on the MUA reviews and had high hopes for it. As background, I am Asian with long but sparse and straight/downward growing lashes which are very resistant to curling. The only ma...

Eyes to Kill - Excess Mascara
46 reviews

The quality of this bronzer is very good, but I am very unimpressed with the colour. I have the Guerlain Flawless Bronzing Brush, a tinted gel which I was completely in love with as it just creates J...

Translucent Bronzing Tint
129 reviews

This is one of the most amazing hair treatments on the market. The only other one I like more is the UK Real Hair Masque, which is almost 3x the price! This does the job almost equally. I was trave...

Repairing Mask for Dry and Damaged Hair/ Shine Mask
21 reviews
Review product Eyeliner Moire

I completely adore this. I stumbled across the Steel (1) as was looking for a replacement for my Guerlain loose kohl in noir, which gave an incredibly dark grey, smokey effect when applied, BUT which ...

Eyeliner Moire
0 reviews
Review product Voile Nuit

I have this in a spray for fine hair and have been using this for 4 days. My hair has been permed several times so it is very proned to breakage. I had been using the Philips Kingsley Elasticizer + ...

Voile Nuit
10 reviews
Review product Loose Kohl in Noir

While this is very nice, and I completely ADORE the colour (it gives me a very smokey, femme fatal colour that is headturning), I can't say it was HG. I have used this both the eastern and non-easter...

Loose Kohl in Noir
121 reviews
Review product Feerie

I am suprised at the negative reviews - but then again, scent is so personal! I thought this was a beautiful fragrance, both in terms of composition of notes (which fuse together so the range of top-...

0 reviews

YES YES YES! This brush is made as a general eyeliner brush, but I found that this is THE waterline brush. I haven't found the ideal liner material just yet, but I bought this originally intending i...

natural brush 4f (sable)
0 reviews

I quite like this. My last favourite was the YSL Everlong for day/natural looking lashes, and the Lancome Fatale for night (always requiring the lashes comb). As background, I have incredibly straig...

Iconic High Definition Lash Curler Mascara
455 reviews

This was very, very good. I tried this for the first time last night - I wet my hair, and sprayed my hair with Kerastase Vita Ciment Treatment first, and then layered this on. After it air-dried, I ...

Elasticizer Deep Conditioning Treatment
0 reviews