Joined Oct 7

Reviews (9)

If you have skin like Scarlett Johansson then this will look beautiful on. However those of us less fortunate have an opportunity to make every pore, flaw and blemish show up. I've tried with and with...

Perfect Refining Foundation
108 reviews
Review product Wonder Length Mascara

Agree with NancyM below, does zero for your lashes

Wonder Length Mascara
22 reviews

If you have skin like Scarlett Johansson then this will look beautiful on. However those of us less fortunate have an opportunity to make every pore, flaw and blemish show up. I've tried with and with...

Perfect Refining Foundation
0 reviews
Review product Gucci Pour Homme

OH... MY....GOD! This is sex in a bottle, just purchased for the hubby by chance, opened...sniffed...nearly passed out with the truly manly magnificant masculine headrush I got. Not a summer scent, no...

Gucci Pour Homme
22 reviews

Sorry girls but I'm going to rain on the parade...yes this looked like the perfect blush for my ppp skin but it oxidized on my skin NOOOOOOO! I was so disappointed.However it seems I'm alone in this b...

Powder Blush - Desert Rose
76 reviews

Being a Dermalogica fan for 8 years I thought this would be a fail safe product and it is pretty good, moisturising not greasy on lips and lasts but.... the smell is awful, sort of 'metallic' if that ...

Climate Control Lip Treatment
23 reviews

Bought this on a whim really as I saw it super cheap on ebay and intended it for under eye coverage. But as fate would have it a nice big inflamed spot appeared above my lip, first test of this concea...

Maquicomplet Complete Coverage Concealer
208 reviews

Bought this based on the MUA reviews, thankfully I picked it up for 11GBP on ebay because it really isn't for the faint hearted when it comes to lippy. Having such pale skin I thought it would be amaz...

Rouge Pur Purple Velvet
0 reviews

I bought this based on the reviews here and the pic of that girl with the fabulous lashes. What a disappointment! it did NOTHING to my lashes bar colouring them, quite possibly one of the least effect...

Sumptuous Extreme Lash Multiplying Volume Mascara
441 reviews