Joined Oct 6

Reviews (3)

When this product first came out, I was an die hard Aveda fan. Their product was amazing but I have to say since they were purchased and I found out from the Corporate office that they products contai...

Brillantine Conditioner
26 reviews
Review product Shine Lip Gloss #3

Okay I'll admit I purchased this on the reviews even though I did see them when I was in Vegas on a business trip. They were very expensive and I was not will to spend the money then (this is somethin...

Shine Lip Gloss #3
49 reviews

Thank God NO MORE RUSK! Not that I'm bashing that product but it was not the best for my hair; however, this one is. It took alot to get me to try this product because I had such a hard time trusting ...

Phytospecific Relaxer Index 1
0 reviews