Joined Oct 7

Reviews (8)

ohkeh, heres me review for clarinsmen total wrinkle control: id read bout this stuff in a magazine and wanted to try it since ive got minor wrinkles under me eyes and some acne scarring. 1st off the...

Clarins Men - Total Wrinkle Control [DISCONTINUED]
7 reviews

ok, i rarely used toners in the past but i wanted to start using them after my cleansing routine. after reading all the reviews here i thought id try this one. i have extremely oily skin, like VERY...

Mild Clarifying Lotion [DISCONTINUED]
390 reviews

i HATE this bar soap. i have extremely oily skin with occasional mild breakouts so the SA told me to use this particular soap since its for oily skin, however my skin is sensitive. this soap isnt ir...

Facial Soap for Oily Skin
80 reviews
Review product Exfoliating Scrub

alright im a guy but i like to take care of my skin. i bought this scrub on the recommendation of the sa who said its good to exfoliate cos it helps absorb moisturizer better etc etc lol. i have real...

Exfoliating Scrub
253 reviews

ME: very oily skin with occasional breakouts. The only makeup i wear is foundation so i needed a moisturizer that would be light enough for my very oily skin yet hydrating enough to make my face sof...

Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel
1825 reviews
Review product Facial Cotton

im a guy and maybe its that reason im not giving these a 5 rating. heres why: i find that they are so gentle that they start to shred/fall apart as i wipe them across my face. i only used these to ...

Facial Cotton
264 reviews

hmmm well this stuff is kinda good but not great. as many many many reviewers have noted it does dry very quickly so u only want to squeeze a tiny bit out and u gotta work with it fast. the consiste...

Clarifying Makeup Clear Skin Formula [DISCONTINUED]
210 reviews
Review product Facial Cotton

im a guy and maybe its that reason im not giving these a 5 rating. heres why: i find that they are so gentle that they start to shred/fall apart as i wipe them across my face. i only used these to ...

Facial Cotton
0 reviews